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Unconventional Wisdom: SEO Productivity Tips from Dan Shure

SEO specialist Dan Shure from Evolving SEO shares his tips for maintaining SEO productivity and happiness in his work. He works in an inconsistent manner, focusing on to-do lists, communications, and project management. He suggests focusing on content strategy and adjusting the time for important tasks. He relies on tools like Drive by Google, Toodle, gathering, QuickBooks online, and Moz for organizing his SEO work. Advanced Web Positioning is a popular choice for managing projects and companies. When analyzing and setting up optimization for new clients, he suggests following a set process that varies depending on the customer and project.

This week, we’re continuing our interview series with SEO specialist Dan Shure from Evolving SEO. Dan was kind enough to provide us some of his SEO insider tips.

What is the routine of your day?

A: I work in a very inconsistent manner. I have a tendency to be very organized when it comes to to-do lists, communications, project management, etc. (see next question), which makes it simple for me to move between customers and projects.

Except for scheduled activities like phone calls and meetings, I typically “go with the flow” of my present emotional, physical, and mental condition. I’ve found that if you can stop forcing things, you’ll be far more productive and happy.

For instance, conducting an audit is not the greatest thing to do while I’m feeling creative; instead, I should concentrate on content strategy. The morning is perfect for that one really important activity you have to finish, whereas late at night is frequently the optimum time to handle reactive chores, such as email, which don’t require as much focus and mental capacity.

How do you keep the organization of your SEO work? What tools do you use and would you suggest?

A: Yes! I place a great deal of reliance on these tools for organizing;

Drive by Google

The Toodle

The gathering

Accounting for QuickBooks online


I’m happy to announce Advanced Web Positioning! (I wasn’t asked to say that, sorry)

I honestly couldn’t survive without the first four. They are essential for keeping project and company management rational.

The others are also SEO tools, of course, but they also provide management-enhancing tracking and organizing features.

Do you follow a set process when analyzing and setting up optimization for new clients? How would you suggest starting a new initiative?

A: Obviously, it varies a little depending on the customer and the project. Generally speaking, it goes like this:

We have at least two phone meetings with potential or new customers so I can learn about their company model, goals, past or present marketing and SEO efforts, and available resources for development and content. Every phone call is properly recorded, and the bottom includes action items. Use more than just your memories.

Gather all account information. I use a Google Spreadsheet to gather data on Analytics/Webmaster Tools, WordPress logins, and other accounts.

For my study, I’ve been creating a brand-new indexation/clustering spreadsheet on Google Spreadsheets. I mostly document the following:

– Sitemap XML’s document count

– Based on WMT, the number of pages crawled

– The maximum number of documents Screaming Frog can index

– The number of landing pages created during the past 30 days

– The number of organic Google landing pages in the last month

This may give you a very clear idea of how well they are using all of their material to drive organic traffic to their website and how efficiently Google is indexing it.

I usually start a Moz campaign. Although I don’t heavily rely on Moz for my efforts, I like using it as a backup rank tracker. The past link analytics are quite fascinating. Because of the outstanding reporting and ability to give extra metrics and deliverables, Moz is valuable to keep running at all times.

Depending on the project, there can be a lot more variables, but this is the starting point!

SEO is always changing. How much of your day do you spend “evolving”? Could you offer some tips for improving SEO productivity?

A – Easy. When I need a break from active work, or while driving (with my eyes on the road, of course—I have an iPhone stand that rests on the dashboard), I watch (or listen to) John Mueller’s Webmaster Help hangouts.

People tend to overestimate how much there is to keep up with. I mean, things can change, but if you’re intelligent about it, you can adapt.

Additionally, Marketing Over Coffee is a fantastic news source if you enjoy podcasts. In order to keep current and avoid interfering with my actual job, I listen to podcasts when walking the dog.

Think about people like Dr. Pete and Josh Bachynski. They keep a close eye on algorithmic adjustments and often filter and condense information for you. I believe Danny Sullivan’s posts that are especially about Google upgrades are his strongest. He has provided accurate coverage on Hummingbird and Penguin 1.0.

Do you foresee any big changes in keyword research as a result of the latest Google Hummingbird update?

excellent subject The upgrade Hummingbird seems to be, with its ability to dramatically change how people search. I anticipate it moving much closer toward “longtail” and “natural language”

In my opinion, keyword research is not about a single term but rather a notion, a goal, or a topic. To understand the meaning behind every keyword, you must read between the lines and use empathy.

The question “where can I find men’s shoes on sale right now?” or “I’d like to find men’s shoes for sale” may be on the mind of someone looking for “men’s shoes for sale.” Users might notice that typing whole phrases rather than simply keywords would produce better results. These two expansions are barely distinguishable from one another.

You’ve given speeches at several conferences. How important do you think in-person networking is for business? How did you find that go?

A: Unquestionably necessary. We just use computers to carry out our SEO efforts. But human work is what leads to SUCCESS and PROGRESS. those connections with others. Think positively. Be dependable. displaying your integrity for an extended period of time. A PC or even Skype won’t work for this.

The idea that I might meet someone today who refers someone to me in six months, follows me on Twitter for four months, notices that I consistently try to provide value, and hires me in a year goes beyond the idea of “oh, I spoke here and received X leads and Y clients.” And even this is merely a condensed version of how it probably works in practice.

In the real world, it is akin to multi-touch attribution.

I take it that you are also a Moz Associate? Are you actively pursuing this, or did it just happen naturally? What happened in the past?

A: I had almost no plans to become a Moz Associate. Like many others, I was inspired by Rand Fishkin’s writing, online presence, and public speaking when I first started to actively participate in the SEO community. I wanted to prove to him (and other community members) that I “got” SEO. There are certain things that you feel you naturally understand, but not on a surface level. For me, SEO is similar to how music was.

Whatever the case, I made it my goal to get some of my own content—as well as that of others, like Wil Reynolds and Tom Critchlow—in front of him. I wanted to give my material because I really loved theirs—not because I was trying to “get” something from them.

A handful of my blog pieces caught Rand’s eye at the beginning of 2012, and Moz contacted me to ask about prospective employment in Seattle or an Associate role. The best thing about Moz is that they genuinely care about the person. They don’t have clearly defined roles or job descriptions; instead, they customize each role to the talents and passions of the individual.

Jamie Steven, who is no longer at Moz, and I spoke over the phone multiple times about various topics. For a time, everything was put on wait.

I stumbled into Gilliane (Rand’s mother) at SES New York in April 2012. When I told her about the chance to work with Moz, she urged me, “DO NOT let this opportunity pass!” I emailed Jen Lopez as soon as I got back home, and a few weeks later, I was given the title of Moz Associate.

My desire to start my own business and the difficulty of relocating prevented me from accepting a full-time employment with them.

Finally, could you briefly outline your plans for the upcoming year?

A: Without a doubt, I wrote this essay towards the end of 2012 as a personal reflection on the year. I want to do the same for 2013 (so check for the longer version there!).

However, 2013 also brought along a lot of adjustments, challenges, mistakes, and advancements.

My main focus will be on training, seminars, workshops, and public speaking. As a former educator and performer, I like working with clients, but events and speaking in front of crowds really thrill me.

I can be more reserved in a crowd, but once I’m on stage, I feel totally at ease. People often compliment me on how well I explain things, which still shocks me considering how harshly I judge myself.

I thus expect sharing information about these kinds of services soon. Either people can come to my new workplace, or I can go somewhere far away.

A few things will be cut back. not escorting customers to locations when I feel unenthusiastic or have a bad “gut” reaction. Although these roles are satisfying, success is typically bred by excitement. Everyone gains as a result of the confidence boost. There won’t be a perfect match for everyone, and not every position will be a good fit. I turned down a lot of business in 2013 and will continue to do so in 2014 as I seek to attract and keep more of the finest clients!

For more information

You can check EvolvingSEO or contact me on LinkedIn

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